B.E.S.T. Energy Spa
Are you Tired of Feeling T-I-R-E-D? Recharge Your Body’s Battery!!!
In “The secret of life” written in 1939, author George Lakhovsky theorized that the human cell operates like a tiny battery and when fully charged that cell is able to experience “cell balance” which would create a feeling of well being. Boost your Whole Body’s Energy for Increased Vitality
The B.E.S.T. (Bio-Electric Stimulating Technique) unit is an alternative health device that can help your body strengthen and balance itself! The B.E.S.T. unit works through the most basic and plentiful substance in your body, water. The human body is approximately 80% water. Water is an excellent conductor of electricity. The human body functions off of electro-magnetic signals. Similar to a car battery that charges a car, the human body greatly benefits from being re-charged. The B.E.S.T. unit charges the water and the water (which your feet soak in) charges your entire body.

After 25 Minutes

After 30 Minutes

B.E.S.T. Results
- Energizes Cells.
- Balances and strengthens the body to eliminate toxins.
- Increases overall sense of health and well-being.
People who have experienced B.E.S.T. foot baths report amazing results!
They claim B.E.S.T. has helped them with the following health challenges:
- Reduced joint pain (arthritic aches and pains)
- Incontinence/Constipation
- Insomnia
- Headaches
- Muscular Injuries
- Fatigue
- Increased Energy and Vitality
- Detoxification
- Acidosis
- Menstrual Problems
- Fluid Retention
- Quicker Healing/Recovery Time
- Fungus (Candidiasis)
- Improved Liver Function
- Improved Kidney Function
- Improved Circulation
- Improved Mental Clarity
- Improved Concentration
- Bi-polar
- Depression
Distributor makes no claims. This product is not intended to prevent, diagnose, mitigate, treat or cure any disease.
Caution: You should not use this machine if: you have a pacemaker, are pregnant, are breast feeding, or have a transplanted bone marrow / organ. Always consult your health care practitioner prior to using.
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